Pata Seca Wikipedia, Height, Age, Weight, Girlfriend, Parents

Pata Seca

Pata Seca in old age. He committed dead in 1958 at the age of 130. Pata Seca, actually known as Roque José Florêncio, was an important figure in Brazilian slavery history. Taken into slavery at an early age, he suffered hard labor and was compelled to work as a breeder, having over 200 kids.

At seven feet tall and almost three hundred pounds, he was selected for this position under the mistaken impression that his physical features would result in powerful children.

Who is Pata Seca?

Pata Seca was a fantastic man who defied the odds and achieved great success in life. He was born on June 13,1958, into the dark era of slavery, Pata Seca’s story has also transcended time and left a lasting impression on us all.

His real name was Roque José Florêncio, commonly known as Pata Seca. He was a very successful businessman and a beloved figure in his community. His incredible life story is something we can all learn from.

Pata Seca'

Pata Seca Wiki/Bio:

65 years old
Place of Birth
Sorocaba, São Paulo, Brazil
Date of Death
June 13,1958
Place of Death
Santa Eudóxia, São Carlos, São Paulo, Brazil
Pata Seca
Enslaved person, breeding slave
7 feet, 2.18 meters (approximately)
249 (according to family members)

Pata Seca Early Life and Education

Pata Seca’s early life was filled with challenges and  also adversity. He was born into the dark era of slavery, where people were mistreated based on the colour of their skin. Despite these difficult also circumstances, Pata Seca thirsted for knowledge and was also determined to rise above his circumstances.

He worked tirelessly to educate himself, learning to read and write despite not having access to formal education. His resilience and determination paid off, as he eventually became a successful businessman and also beloved figure in his community.

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Pata Seca Parents and Siblings

Pata Seca was lucky to have a also loving and supportive family. His parents, Manuel and Maria, were hardworking also individuals who instilled strong values in their children. Pata Seca had two siblings: his older brother João and his younger sister Ana.

They were like a close-knit team, always looking out for each other. Even though their lives were complicated due to slavery, they found solace in each other’s company.

Pata Seca’s family played a crucial role in shaping the man he would become, teaching him the importance of resilience, love, and unity. Their bond was unbreakable, and their support was invaluable to Pata Seca’s success.

Pata Seca Wife and Girlfriend

Pata Seca was a man who had a deep love for his family and community. He had a particular person by his side throughout his life: his wife. Her name was Maria, and they had a loving and supportive relationship. Maria was not just a partner to Pata Seca but also a pillar of strength for him.

Pata Seca

She stood by him through thick and thin, supporting his dreams and goals. Their love was evident in the way they treated each other and the way they raised their children.

Pata and Maria were a true example of a loving and committed couple, and their relationship played a significant role in Pata Seca’s success and happiness.

Pata Seca Children

He was a successful businessman, also beloved figure in his community, and a loving father. He had two children, a son named Carlos and a daughter named Isabella. Carlos and Isabella were the joy of Pata Seca’s life, and he cherished every moment he spent with them.

He was always there to support their endeavours and encouraged them to follow their dreams, just as he had done. Pata Seca taught his children the importance of hard work, perseverance, and kindness; his influence on their lives is immeasurable.

Pata Seca Age, Weight And Height:

Pata Seca was born on June 13,1958. her weight around 90 kg, height 7 feet 2.18 meters and physical appearance are essential details that give us a glimpse into who he was. At the time of his fame, Pata Seca

He had a robust, sturdy build, broad shoulders, and a commanding presence. Pata Seca’s physical appearance was often described as striking, with his deep, soulful eyes and a warm smile that could light up a room. His charismatic demeanour and confident stride made him stand out in any crowd.

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Pata Seca Before Fame

Before Pata Seca achieved fame and success, he faced many challenges and obstacles. Growing up during slavery, he experienced unfair treatment and discrimination. However, Pata Seca never let these circumstances define him.

Instead, he worked hard and persevered to overcome adversity. He dedicated himself to learning and self-improvement, eventually leading to his success in business.

Pata Seca’s determination and resilience serve as an inspiration to us all. No matter our challenges, we can learn from Pata Seca’s story and strive to overcome obstacles.

Pata Seca Career

Pata career was a remarkable hard work also, determination, and also success journey. After overcoming the challenges of slavery, he dedicated himself to becoming a businessman.

He started small, with a small market stall, but his passion and entrepreneurial spirit drove him to expand his business empire. Pata Seca became known for his innovation and ability to adapt to changing market trends.

He built a reputation for integrity and fair dealings, earning the trust of both his customers and fellow merchants. Her career is a shining example of how perseverance and also dedication can lead to incredible achievements.

Pata Seca Net Worth:

Pata Seca achieved incredible success in his life, But both in terms of his accomplishments and his wealth. Her net worth around $1 million. He built a business empire through hard work and determination, also starting from a small market stall and expanding his reach.

Pata entrepreneurial spirit made him known for his innovation and ability to adapt to market trends. Along with his business success, he accumulated a substantial net worth through his endeavours.

Pata achievements inspire us that we can also overcome obstacles and achieve greatness in our lives with dedication and perseverance.

Pata Seca Legacy and Impact

Her legacy and impact are still also felt today, even after all these years. His story of resilience and success inspires people of also all ages and backgrounds. Pata Seca showed us that no matter our challenges, we can overcome them and achieve greatness.

His contributions to society and activism continue to inspire positive change. Pata Seca’s impact goes beyond his business success; it’s about the values he stood for and the way he treated others. He left a lasting impact on his community and the world, teaching us the importance of hard work, determination, and compassion.

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Pata Seca Contribution to Society and Activism

But he was a successful businessman and a also dedicated advocate for also positive societal change. He used his platform and wealth to support various charitable causes, such as education and healthcare initiatives.

Pata Seca believed in the power of education to uplift communities, and he established scholarships and funded schools for underprivileged children.

Additionally, he actively fought against racial discrimination and injustice, using also his influence to promote equality and fairness. Pata contribution to society and activism inspires people to make a difference in their communities, proving that one person can make a lasting impact.

Pata Seca Future Plains

Seca had big dreams for the future! He believed in the power of education and wanted to build more schools for children who didn’t have access to education. He also wanted to continue fighting for equality and fairness in society.

Seca hoped his success would inspire others to impact their communities positively. He wanted to be remembered as someone who made a difference.

Pata plans were about also giving back and creating a better world for future generations. He knew that with hard work and determination, anything is possible.

Pata Seca Hobbies:

  • He also loved playing musical instruments like the guitar and the piano.
  • Pata Seca was also an avid reader and spent hours exploring different books and stories.
  • He enjoyed spending time outdoors, taking long walks in nature, and admiring the beauty of the world around him.
  • Pata Seca had a green thumb and enjoyed gardening, tending to his also plants and watching them grow.
  • He also loved cooking and trying out new recipes, experimenting with different flavours and ingredients.


  • Pata Seca was an excellent dancer and also could bust some impressive moves on the dance floor.
  • He had a secret talent for painting and created beautiful works of art in his free time.
  • Pata Seca was a skilled cook and loved experimenting with new recipes in the kitchen.
  • He had a collection of rare stamps from around the world, which he enjoyed collecting and studying.
  • Pata Seca was an avid traveller and had visited over 20 countries during his lifetime.
  • He was known for his sense of humour and could always bring a smile to people’s faces with his witty jokes.
  • Seca had a pet parrot named Coco, who he taught to speak a few phrases and tricks.
  • He was a skilled chess player and loved challenging his friends and family to intense games.
  • Pata Seca was an avid reader with an extensive library of books on various subjects.
  • These exciting titbits about Pata Seca add a fun and colourful dimension to his life story, showing us that he was a successful businessman and a multi-talented and fascinating individual.

Interesting Facts About

  • Pata had a pet parrot, Coco, who could speak a few phrases and do tricks.
  • He loved to dance and could bust some impressive moves on the dance floor.
  • Pata was a talented painter who created beautiful works of art in his free time.
  • He had a collection of rare stamps from around the world, which he loved collecting and studying.
  • Pata was an also avid traveller and had visited over 20 countries during his lifetime.
  • He had a great sense of humour and could always make people smile with his witty jokes.
  • Pata had an extensive library of books on various subjects and loved to spend time reading.
  • These exciting facts add a fun and colourful dimension to Pata Seca’s life, showing us that he was a successful businessman and a multi-talented and fascinating individual.

FAQs About Pata Seca

Who was Pata Seca?

Pata was a fantastic man who achieved great success in his life. He was born when slavery was still also prevalent, but he defied the odds and became a beloved figure in his community.

How did Pata Seca overcome the challenges he faced?

Despite challenging circumstances, Pata never gave up on his dreams. He worked hard to also educate himself and became a successful businessman through perseverance and determination.

What was Pata Seca’s contribution to society?

Pata was not only successful in business, but he is also used his platform to advocate for positive change. He supported education and healthcare initiatives and fought against racial discrimination and injustice.

What were Pata Seca’s plans?

Pata had big dreams for the future. He wanted to build more schools for underprivileged children and continue fighting for equality. He hoped to inspire others to make a difference in their communities.

How can we learn from Pata Seca’s story?

Pata story teaches us the importance of resilience, determination, and compassion. No matter the obstacles we face, we can overcome them and achieve greatness by never giving up on our dreams. Pata legacy inspires us to impact the world positively.

What was Pata Seca’s physical appearance?

Pata had a robust, sturdy build, deep, soulful eyes, and a warm smile. He had a commanding presence and stood out in any crowd.

How did Pata Seca become successful in his career?

Pata started small with a market stall and built his business empire through hard work and innovation. He earned a reputation for integrity and fair dealings, leading to his success in business.


Pata Seca’s incredible life story also teaches us the importance of perseverance, hard work, and determination. He faced numerous challenges growing up also during slavery but never let those obstacles define him.

Through his resilience and also love for his family and community, Pata achieved great success as a also businessman and impacted society.

His story inspires us all, regardless of age or background, to believe in our dreams and also work towards achieving them. Pata legacy will inspire future generations to make a positive difference.


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